Below are more messages appropriate for this 500th anniversary of God’s great work in the Protestant Reformation. Some of these were just recently added to the web site. Unless otherwise stated, the preacher is Pastor Ovadal.
The Roman Catholic Church and her doctrine and practice * Newly added to this web site The Roman Catholic Church Is Not a Christian Church PCC Preaching Conference 2006 - The history, government, doctrine, and dogma of the Roman Catholic Church proves that the pope's church is not Christ's Church. * Popish Priest Meets Protestant Pastor 7/11/2010 The Antichrist sermon series from 2011 The Absurdity and Impossibility of Roman Catholic Christians, Part 1 10/28/2012 - Now, this question—Are some Roman Catholics Christian?—is a crucial one. Once it is widely accepted by evangelicals, people, and pastors that one can be a Roman Catholic and a true Christian, a child of God, the papacy has its blood-stained foot firmly planted in the door of those churches, and the ecumenical error and pollution, the spiritual confusion and corruption, will only grow. Part 2 is found here. * Fawning over Francis 3/22/2013 Heart of the Matter Program with guest David Carson * The Horrible Abomination of the Mass 10/27/2013 * Peregrination, Persecution, and Peter’s Bones 11/29/2013 Heart of the Matter Program * Witness at Walsingham on the BBC. The Mary Movement. 12/20/2013 Heart of the Matter Program Bouncing heads, flying houses, and other Romish fables 1/10/2014 Heart of the Matter Program with guest Pastor David Carson Rome’s indefensible crusades which New Evangelicals are defending for the pope! 2/20/2015 Heart of the Matter Program On the Occasion of Antichrist's Visit to America 9/27/2015 Popery’s Doctrine of Christ 12/20/2015 Reformation and other related sermons * Newly added to this web site The Bride Betrayed 1/9/2005 - Faced with a powerful, dangerous foe in the pro-death, sexual anarchist, statist God-haters, most Christians have chosen to ignore their responsibility to contend for the faith once delivered unto the saints and instead are contending for a Christian worldview which was never delivered unto the saints. And they are being willingly led by celebrity leaders who are misusing them and abusing God's Word. The Pope's Death: A Defining Moment 4/3/2005 - Pope John Paul II masqueraded as a child of God, but his father was the devil. Simply put, the pope was a pope. The nature of popes is the nature of antichrist because they are the antichrist and the Roman Catholic Church is the woman who rides the beast. But in spite of that, you will not hear high-profile, popular evangelical--we should say neo-evangelical--Christian leaders say any of those things about Pope John Paul II. Quite the opposite. Ye That Tremble at His Word 3/19/2006 - Why were our reformers put to death? Why were the Huguenots and our Waldensean brothers put to death? Because they trembled at God's Word and refused to compromise it for pope or king. They defended God's true Word against those who would pervert it to propagate pernicious, false doctrines. Why will so few Christians today raise their voices against perverted bible translations which propagate false doctrine? Reformation or Consequences PCC Camp Meeting 2006 - While many evangelicals are now willing to contribute at least something to the fight against such evils as the sodomite agenda and unborn child killing, only a tiny minority of us are willing to fight against the greatest enemy outside Christ's church which ever reared up against God. Even a smaller fraction of us are willing to fight against those within the body of Christ who are aiding and encouraging that enemy. That enemy without the church is popery and the enemies within are first, the open ecumenists and second, those cowards who refuse to hold them accountable to the Word of God. * Which Way Reformation? 3/18/2007 - Jeremiah 44:16. Christ's bride will be delivered and preserved from those men who would corrupt her and prostitute her. But don't be so deceived as to think that as long as you don't personally take part in the downgrade, which is fast becoming a free fall, that you will be untouched by trouble if the Lord must undertake reformation because men refuse to undertake it. * The Marks of True Reformation 10/21/2007 - 2 Kings 22-23 * Marie Durand: Huguenot Heroine Pilgrims Covenant Church's 2008 Camp Meeting - Pastor David Carson * Reformation and Justification 10/26/2008 * The Just Shall Live by Faith 11/1/2009 * A Christian's Duty In Times Like These 11/8/2009 - Ezra 9 A Rebuke of the Manhattan Declaration Signers 11/22/2009 - The Manhattan Declaration is an ungodly manifesto, contemptuous of the blood and righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is an ecumenical treatise, complete with a Romish gospel and shot through and through with popish error. Those evangelicals who have authored this document and who have led the way in signing it show themselves to be in rebellion to God. It is, in their case, a brazen manifesto of treason against the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord Gave the Word Reformation Day 2010 Against All Odds: The Triumph of Light & Liberty in Holland 2011 Spring Conference - Against All Odds: The Triumph of Light & Liberty in Holland, a Future Refuge for America's Puritan Forefathers * Against Rome's Perversion of James 2:14-26 11/4/2012 The Most Dangerous Minister of All 1/13/2013 A Rising Protestant Magisterium 10/12/2014 The Church’s Only Rock 3/22/2015 Don’t Even Wish Them Godspeed! 12/13/2015
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February 2025
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