Ephesians 6:24 Pastor Ralph Ovadal 43 minutes I do not think I am wrongly parsing this verse or that I am preaching novelty by saying that here is an exhortation to more than to love the Lord Jesus Christ but to love Him with a sincere love, a love more pure. And with that exhortation there is a promise of grace. More grace. Grace abounding.
Pastor Ralph Ovadal 49 minutes But what prompted the people to return to building the temple of God, in spite of the king's order to the contrary? They were convicted to do so by the word of God given through the prophets of God. The preaching of God's word had effect, and God's house was built. Oh that the Lord's people today would give heed to what the Word of God proclaims concerning His house, the church of Jesus Christ! Oh that they would begin to rebuild the house of God which lies today almost in ruin.
Ezra Joshua Zerubbabel Haggai build
Acts 14:17 Pastor Ralph Ovadal 54 minutes God has given a witness of Himself to the heathen, leaving them without excuse. The Lord's people have so much more of a witness. By way of encouragement and exhortation, I want us to consider the witness God has given of Himself to us--His people.
creation conscience Word Scripture Holy Ghost Spirit
2 Chronicles 20:11-30 Pastor Ralph Ovadal 56 minutes We are saved by a God we do not see, by a work we did not see, and we are predestined for a place we cannot see so long as we are in this corruptible flesh.
trust faith believe Jehoshaphat
2 Peter 1 Pastor Ralph Ovadal 43 minutes As he faces the prospect of sealing his testimony with his blood, the apostle's concern was for the Word of God and for the sheep which his risen Lord had commanded him to feed. Peter writes of things all true Christians should know. But these things are so important that the apostle is determined to remind the Lord's people of them, right to his end.
faith virtue knowledge temperance patience godliness brotherly kindness charity unfruitful
Galatians 1:6-10 Pastor Ralph Ovadal 35 minutes Isn't it a marvel today how so many evangelicals accommodate false gospels? It's not a big issue. We have all these other issues to deal with. The sodomites are at the ramparts. The pro-aborts are killing unborn babies. We have to take care of those things first. No! We have to take care of those things, but we have to first defend the gospel. First! We cannot stand against those enemies; we will only show our backs if we don't defend the gospel. We can only stand in the power of God.
grace Paul accursed
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January 2025
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Those who listen to archived sermons or Heart of the Matter programs on this web site will notice that, currently, when they download some of those sermons and HOM programs that a SermonAudio logo appears. This is because Pilgrims Covenant Church messages were for a number of years posted at SermonAudio. But due to the increasingly deep compromise of SermonAudio in posting sermons from ministers unfaithful either in doctrine or practice or both, and also on account of the many corrupt conferences advertised on SermonAudio, we withdrew from SermonAudio. However, I did not realize when posting our sermons and programs on that site on a page for which we paid that the management was tagging our MP3 files with the logo of SermonAudio. We are working to remove the SermonAudio logo from all of the sermons and programs posted on this site which were previously posted at SermonAudio. However, this takes much time; so we felt it important to post this explanation and also this warning concerning SermonAudio, a web site with many sound ministers, but also many which are corrupting the Lord's blood-bought church. |