A Defense of the Gospel (1 of 3) Studies in Romans—Sermon 2 Romans 1:16-17 Pastor Ralph Ovadal 72 minutes
Pastor Ralph Ovadal 90 minutes
Hebrews 12:18-29 Pastor Ralph Ovadal 78 minutes
The Antichrist: The tenth, eleventh, and twelfth messages have been added to this series from 2011.
An Ungodly Passion for The Passion, 2/22/2004 Christians in the pew are being seduced by their pastors and high-profile Christian leaders into supporting a movie which is nothing less than a giant ecumenical coup by the devil and his handmaiden, the Vatican. The Salvific Suffering Heresy of The Passion, 2/29/2004 In addition to all the other harm that it does to the cause of Christ and all the other good that it does for the cause of Rome, The Passion movie also advances the Roman Catholic heresy of salvific suffering--the necessity of a sum total of suffering to purchase salvation. The Other Side of Child Rearing, 8/14/2005 We cannot stress enough the importance of children being taught to honor and obey their parents. We cannot stress enough the obligation of children to care for their parents in their old age. This is a holy duty. But we also cannot stress enough the importance of parents honoring each other in their children's sight. The husband must nurture and cherish his wife even as the wife submits to her husband's authority and both of them obey God. We cannot stress enough the importance of both parents loving and caring for their children, ministering to them, and setting an example of self-sacrifice for them. A Call to Build with Ready Hearts and Willing Hands, 1/29/2006 Jesus promised that He would build His Church and the gates of hell would not prevail against it. The foundation of Christ's Church is permanently laid and immovable. But the building of the Church herself must go on with each generation. God is not glorified nor pleased with half-hearted work performed by people who consider themselves forced labor--conscripts working on a useless project! Benny Hinn's Doctrines of Devils, 2/1/2006 In this Heart of the Matter program, Pastor Ralph Ovadal and Pastor Ian Brown discuss Benny Hinn's doctrines of devils. The Essential Pursuit of Holiness, 2/5/2006 We live in a sin-wrecked world filled with immorality and brutality, depravity and destruction, sorrow and sin, despair and death. How badly we need the churches of Christ to be places of holiness and healing, righteousness and knowledge, peace and joy. No Cross. No Gospel. No Love. 2/19/2006 Today the suffering of the sinner is the focus of many preachers rather than the suffering of the Saviour who died for the sinner! Sinners must be shown the bloody, gory cross. The Lord's people must be reminded of it often as well, lest we forget that Christ is the Church's bloody bridegroom. Striving Together for the Faith of the Gospel, 3/26/2006 What Paul instructed the Philippians in this epistle is also an instruction to each citizen of every church for all time. These words of the apostle have been the fervent prayer of every true shepherd of Jesus Christ's Church from Paul to the present day. The Doctrine of Repentance, 4/23/2006 True repentance toward God is repentance from sin itself, not just certain sin because that sin is unfashionable, unprofitable, uncomfortable, or even unconscionable. Why Seek Ye the Living among the Dead? 4/30/2006 Christ is not to be found in carnal things and worldly pleasures, including worldly worship and foolish religious devices. Many today crave dross instead of silver. Many turn to dead things instead of the living Christ. Filling dead churches with spiritually dead men only speeds the process of decay. Christ is not in those churches. Why seek ye the living among the dead? Weeping over Zion, 6/18/2006 The Church must go forward. The Church must be militant. The Church must be triumphant. The chaste bride must be kept chaste. A Heart for God's Cause, 8/20/2006 It is a great blessing to be a man after God's own heart, and we should each strive to be such a man. This means so much more than being a good, moral man. Today, I want to warn those Christians who think it somehow pleases God that they live a moral life but will not take up God's cause. That is not living as a man after God's own heart. I pity the Christian who lives as a sweet moralist with no burning zeal for the honor and glory of God. Out of Islamic Darkness into Marvelous Light, 4/27/2007 The Heart of the Matter Program - Testimony from a Christian Sister: Out of Islamic Darkness into Marvelous Light, Persecution of Christians in Turkey YWAM: A Very Deep Pit of Apostasy, 4/27/2012 The Heart of the Matter Program with guest Rev. Andrew Foster Part 1 addresses: 1. YWAM & Rome 2. Background and miscellaneous items, including YWAM and women preachers, monasticism, and more Part 2 addresses: 1. YWAM & the Orality Movement 2. YWAM, Islam, and the Insider Movement 3. YWAM & Hinduism Understanding the Scriptures, 4/23/2017 So Great a Cloud of Witnesses, 4/30/2017 |
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January 2025
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