Matthew 5:13-16 Pastor Ralph Ovadal 62 minutes ![]()
salt light witness church
Isaiah 52:1 Pastor Ralph Ovadal 49 minutes ![]()
Jerusalem church captivity
Pastor Ralph Ovadal 64 minutes ![]()
Bible translations versions ESV NKJV doctrine worship Sabbath Lord's Day church government ecumenism
The Heart of the Matter Program Pastor Ralph Ovadal Guest Pastor Stephen Hamilton 48 minutes ![]()
home church house church
Isaiah 40:1-8 Pastor Ralph Ovadal 56 minutes ![]()
encouragement apostasy downgrade persecution darkness affliction
Philippians 2:20-21 Pastor Ralph Ovadal 56 minutes ![]()
Paul Timothy church Huckabee Colson
Acts 2:42 Pastor Ralph Ovadal 45 minutes Could we not benefit greatly by considering the condition and characteristics of the church at Jerusalem? That church had just experienced a great, powerful work of revival when God rent the heavens, came down, and made three thousand hearts His own. ![]()
Pentecost doctrine fellowship prayer Lord's Table
Acts 20:16-32 Pastor Ralph Ovadal 60 minutes Our text today is Paul's last in-person exhortation to the elders of the church at Ephesus. These are his last words to them as, yes, an apostle but also their shepherd. What Paul says here ought to hold great weight for every pastor and elder in the church of Christ as well as for all her members. The Apostle Paul did not shun to declare all the counsel of God. He was a Christian man's man and a pastor's pastor. ![]()
Pastor Ralph Ovadal 49 minutes But what prompted the people to return to building the temple of God, in spite of the king's order to the contrary? They were convicted to do so by the word of God given through the prophets of God. The preaching of God's word had effect, and God's house was built. Oh that the Lord's people today would give heed to what the Word of God proclaims concerning His house, the church of Jesus Christ! Oh that they would begin to rebuild the house of God which lies today almost in ruin. ![]()
Ezra Joshua Zerubbabel Haggai build
Psalm 137 Pastor Ralph Ovadal 59 minutes "How shall we sing the LORD's song in a strange land? If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget her cunning. If I do not remember thee, let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth; if I prefer not Jerusalem above my chief joy." ![]()
church churches Zion body of Christ
Luke 19:41-46; Matthew 23:37-39; Psalm 48 Pastor Ralph Ovadal 48 minutes And what can we say about such people? The Church must go forward. The Church must be militant. The Church must be triumphant. The chaste bride must be kept chaste. What can we say to such people who turn away from the preaching of the Word over and over? Well, we can paraphrase Oliver Cromwell. ![]()
pastors shepherds
Titus 2:11-15 Pastor Ralph Ovadal 44 minutes Will we live like Cretians or like Christians? This epistle certainly gives us fair warning with regard to the former. It gives us much encouragement and instruction with regard to the latter. I am going to point out many things today from God's Word, but I am not going to preach much on any one point since I am covering so much in one sermon, and the Scriptures we will be reading are so clear in regard to my purpose today. The first matter with which Titus was to be concerned was the ordination of strong, capable, godly elders in every city, in every church. A nation without a good, strong, and lawful government will destroy and consume itself. The people of such a nation will lapse into anarchy but will call it liberty. What happens with the civil state happens to churches as well. ![]()
church elders pastors government doctrine works Crete
Philippians 1:27 Pastor Ralph Ovadal 42 minutes What Paul instructed the Philippians in this epistle is also an instruction to each citizen of every church for all time. These words of the apostle have been the fervent prayer of every true shepherd of Jesus Christ's Church from Paul to the present day. It is for this end, more than anything else, we wrestle and fight and pray. ![]()
Haggai 1; Haggai 2:1-9 Pastor Ralph Ovadal 52 minutes Jesus promised that He would build His Church and the gates of hell would not prevail against it. The foundation of Christ's Church is permanently laid and immovable. But the building of the Church herself must go on with each generation. God is not glorified nor pleased with half-hearted work performed by people who consider themselves forced labor--conscripts working on a useless project! ![]()
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February 2025
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