A Heartfelt Warning Concerning the Deep and Open Ministry Compromises of Dr. Joel Beeke
Of Ducks and New Calvinists
June 25, 2012 article by Pastor Ralph Ovadal and Rev. Ivan Foster
What a Difference Six Months Does Not Make!
January 3, 2013 article by Pastor Ralph Ovadal
Heart of the Matter program “What a Difference Six Months Does Not Make!”
by Pastor Ralph Ovadal and Rev. Ivan Foster
Heart of the Matter Documentary on Refo500: "A Popish Octopus with a Very Long Reach"
by Pastor Ralph Ovadal with a short closing commentary by Rev. Ivan Foster, May 23, 2013
The Transcript of a Heart of the Matter Documentary on Refo500: "A Popish Octopus with a Very Long Reach"
Pastor Ralph Ovadal's reply to the claims and charges of a Beeke apologist
September 13, 2013
Beeke in bad company – and taking good men with him!!
October 11, 2013 article by Rev. Ivan Foster
Has Dr. Joel Beeke Finally Left Refo500? A Response by Pastor Ovadal and Rev. Foster
December 3, 2013
A Contrite Apology from Dr. Beeke . . . to "Christian" Rappers!
December 6, 2013
Will the Steward Be Found Faithful?
February 18, 2014
Pastor Joel Beeke, through RHB, Promoting Modern Bible Translations, Corrupt Teachers, and the UBS
April 11, 2014
The continuing assault upon the authority and trustworthiness of the Scriptures
A special Heart of the Matter report. A number of audio sound bites are included in this program.
October 10, 2014
"Touching the Unclean Thing"
Why does Dr Joel Beeke’s Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary share accreditation with Roman Catholic colleges?? by Rev. Ivan Foster, December 2, 2015
Heart of the Matter: "Touching the Unclean"
The Downward Spiral of Dr. Joel Beeke's Ministries Continues
What do new evangelicals, Romanists, Orthodox “Christians,” Seventh Day Adventists, apostate Protestants, feminists, evolutionists, and even “gay Christians” have in common? Dr. Joel Beeke has joined in preaching and teaching fellowship with all of them!
March 22, 2016
Yes, even sodomite ministers!
Also addressed is the X Su Palabra conference. October 6, 2016
Dr Beeke’s ‘Boozy’ Reformation Tour!!
By Rev. Ivan Foster, Ret., FPC-Ulster
September 13, 2017
The Latest evidence of Dr Joel Beeke's links with the dreadful apostasy of today.
By Rev. Ivan Foster
June 30, 2018
June 25, 2012 article by Pastor Ralph Ovadal and Rev. Ivan Foster
What a Difference Six Months Does Not Make!
January 3, 2013 article by Pastor Ralph Ovadal
Heart of the Matter program “What a Difference Six Months Does Not Make!”
by Pastor Ralph Ovadal and Rev. Ivan Foster
Heart of the Matter Documentary on Refo500: "A Popish Octopus with a Very Long Reach"
by Pastor Ralph Ovadal with a short closing commentary by Rev. Ivan Foster, May 23, 2013
The Transcript of a Heart of the Matter Documentary on Refo500: "A Popish Octopus with a Very Long Reach"
Pastor Ralph Ovadal's reply to the claims and charges of a Beeke apologist
September 13, 2013
Beeke in bad company – and taking good men with him!!
October 11, 2013 article by Rev. Ivan Foster
Has Dr. Joel Beeke Finally Left Refo500? A Response by Pastor Ovadal and Rev. Foster
December 3, 2013
A Contrite Apology from Dr. Beeke . . . to "Christian" Rappers!
December 6, 2013
Will the Steward Be Found Faithful?
February 18, 2014
Pastor Joel Beeke, through RHB, Promoting Modern Bible Translations, Corrupt Teachers, and the UBS
April 11, 2014
The continuing assault upon the authority and trustworthiness of the Scriptures
A special Heart of the Matter report. A number of audio sound bites are included in this program.
October 10, 2014
"Touching the Unclean Thing"
Why does Dr Joel Beeke’s Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary share accreditation with Roman Catholic colleges?? by Rev. Ivan Foster, December 2, 2015
Heart of the Matter: "Touching the Unclean"
The Downward Spiral of Dr. Joel Beeke's Ministries Continues
What do new evangelicals, Romanists, Orthodox “Christians,” Seventh Day Adventists, apostate Protestants, feminists, evolutionists, and even “gay Christians” have in common? Dr. Joel Beeke has joined in preaching and teaching fellowship with all of them!
March 22, 2016
Yes, even sodomite ministers!
Also addressed is the X Su Palabra conference. October 6, 2016
Dr Beeke’s ‘Boozy’ Reformation Tour!!
By Rev. Ivan Foster, Ret., FPC-Ulster
September 13, 2017
The Latest evidence of Dr Joel Beeke's links with the dreadful apostasy of today.
By Rev. Ivan Foster
June 30, 2018